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Arborea Falls is now a Stewardship Forest

The folks here at Arborea Falls are tucked in for winter. We enjoyed a dark December, taking a break from our busy event schedule. This fall, several of us attended a coached Forest Stewardship Planning class, a nine-week 30-hour weekly class offered by Washington State University Forestry Extension Program. It was fun and educational. We learned so much about Pacific Northwest forest, management and our own forest.

The goal of the class is for small (family) forest owners to develop a stewardship plan. You file it with the state. You can also apply for an open space designation, which can give significant tax discounts.

We' re proud to have completed the class and our plan was officially filed with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Here's a link to our plan for our super nerdy environmental friends: Bowen-McCombs Forest Stewardship Plan (

Forest Plan Vision

Our vision is to contribute to the beauty of the world, to be good land stewards and build, foster, and nurture a nature sanctuary for wildlife and community to enjoy. We believe it is our responsibility to protect, preserve and enhance the natural and cultural resources of this land for the benefit of current and future generations with a focus on native biodiversity. We know we are successful when we achieve:

  • A well-managed, biologically diverse forest that is free of invasive species and provides natural habitats for wildlife

  • Habitat that persists for future generations

  • Well-maintained, minimally invasive trails that balance habitat and human enjoyment

  • Privacy for the residents

  • Reduced property taxes through open space (Resource information - Public Benefit Rating System (

  • Recognition as a stewardship forest

Management Plan

Below are the stewardship management activities that we hope to implement in the next twenty years.


  • Remove European holly patch in Bywater Buffer (done)

  • Remove archangel from Binbole Woods (done)

  • Complete meadow restoration at The Woodshed (done)


  • Add water bars across existing roads to direct storm water in Binbole woods (started)

  • Remove invasive blackberry (spring) and replant impacted slope with native species in Overbourne Marches (started)

  • Continue to monitor for archangel (spring) and replant with native ground cover in Binbole Woods

  • Monitor meadow and reseed as needed at The Woodshed (ongoing)

  • Remove inorganic landscape cloth to improve soil moisture in Green Hills and other landscaped areas (ongoing)


  • Continue/repeat blackberry & archangel mitigation work as needed in Binbole Woods

  • Restore and strengthen buffer zone between property and Woodinville-Duvall road by adding more cedar saplings to help mitigate noise pollution in Bywater Buffer

  • Remove invasive knotweed from stream and replant with native species in the Overbourne Marches


  • Ensure resilience of the stand as a whole in Old Brandywine Forest by planting cedar and spruce saplings in hardwood dominant areas to help with forest succession as hardwoods age out across the forest especially in hemlock and Douglas fir-dominant section showing evidence of root disease

  • Monitor and maintain invasive weeds (blackberry, knotweed, archangel, holly)

  • Continue monitoring and adjust plan as needed

Want to help with some of these activities? Reach out to or chat one of us up at an event.

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Unknown member
Jan 15, 2024

This is fabulous. We're just around the corner, and while only 1.5ac have been looking at this class for a while due to the number of wildlife that use our property as a travel corridor and resting spot. It sounds like it was useful. Will be avidly watching updates.

Unknown member
Jan 20, 2024
Replying to

Thanks. Yes, that's one of our reasons for doing the class. So much wildlife. We learned so much in the class and the instructors are all top-notch. I feel like I joined a family. Definitely recommend it.

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